Ist year Schedule
Preparatory phase
November 2010
- Meeting at Rende (RC) with Italian Ministry of Education authorities and Turkish partners
- Brainstorming on E.U. values and citizenship in class as a preparatory activity to twinning between Italy and Turkey
Beginning phase (December 2010)
2) focusing on internet research on partner countries, dividing in working groups, electing their group leader;
3) concentrating on each other's cultures, cities and/or regions online
4) selecting ideal activities among the planned ones and working on them.
Intermediate phase (December 2010 - April 2011)
5) Working groups will:
- set ppts under teachers' supervision through which they can present themselves to their partners, published on two linked dedicated websites;
- set up ppts on:
- the alphabet
- numbers
- seasons and months of the year
- days of the week
- colours
and whatever may be considered appropriate by the teachers
- set up ppts:
- on their native cities - respectively Rome and Ankara;
- on their countries - Italy and Turkey
and whatever may be considered appropriate by the teachers
Advanced Phase (May 2011)
6) 9th May - Europe Day/Week
The teachers will underline the importance of solidarity and peace between people and nations organizing Europe Day/Week workshops shared with the rest of the school members too. The topics will be chosen by teachers and students themselves and will preferably be an illustration of the partner countries' mini-language course (Turkish language for Italian students and Italian language for Turkish students). Dialogues in Turkish language will take place during the workshops